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Course Objective
This workshop treats the basic requirements for NCBs and the differences between NCBs for IT Goods and Services, Non-IT Goods and Non-IT Services.

Course Description
This workshop provides the opportunity to review the NCB forms and write an NCB justification. By the end of this session you will be familiar with:
When an NCB is necessary
Exemptions to the NCB process
The authority to proceed with an NCB
The approval process for NCBs
The NCB Justification procedure and form, and
Reporting requirements for NCBs

PLEASE NOTE: CalPCA imposes a penalty of $100 per session against an agency for each employee who enrolls in the workshop and does not appear. We urge that your agency send a substitute student when the enrolled student cannot attend, to avoid the penalty.

We train state procurement specialists, whose working lives are deadline-driven and time-sensitive. The workshop begins promptly at 9:00 am, at which time the door is closed and vacant seats are made available to "walk-in" students.! We strongly recommend that students plan ahead and leave their homes/hotels early, to arrive AHEAD OF TIME to claim their seats.

Doing our part to green California, CalPCA will provide electronic classroom reference materials. At the end of class, the student may either save the materials to a USB flash drive (not provided) or email to their own work Email address, for easy access back at the office.

Please contact calpcahelp@dgs.ca.gov or (916) 375-4628 with questions or comments.

See http://www.dgs.ca.gov/pd/Programs/CalPCA/Info.aspx for general CalPCA information.

The course is $0.00 per student. (No Charge to State Agencies)

Student "No-Show" Policy
In the event a student fails to attend any class in which he/she has enrolled without either cancelling enrollment at least 3 business day(s) prior to the beginning of class, or sending a substitute student in his/her place, his/her agency will incur a $100.00 "No-Show" Charge.

Course Size
This course has a minimum student count of 25 and a maximum student count of 36.

Certification Expiration
The certification achieved by taking this course will expire 0 months after taking the class.

Other Information
This course is available to All Users